
Continued Professional Development
Like the plants in my garden, I’m all about growth.
As well as taking part in mentoring schemes and networking with colleagues, I regularly attend webinars, conferences and courses in my specialist subject areas and work on my languages.
For me, the academic side to translation is a huge part of its charm.
I love being able to sit down at my desk every day and learn something new or improve my language skills.

Here are a few examples of the varied ways I keep my translation skills and subject knowledge up to muster.
Reading, reading and more reading! Whether it’s an academic journal or the latest insights from the market research sector, I’m always fascinated to learn more about my specialist subject areas.
You can spend a lifetime perfecting your language skills. I regularly read and listen to podcasts in Spanish, French and Portuguese.
​I believe in the value of helping the next generation of translators and in supporting my colleagues. That’s why I take part in mentoring programmes through the ITI, write for the ITI Bulletin and co-ordinate the ITI Parent and Carer Network – arranging events to explore best working practices for parents and carers who are also freelance linguists.